Location of Problem*
Issue Pot HoleSlow Working or Clogged Street DrainsStreet Signs Missing or DamagedBroken Garbage CanOther
*For Broken Garbage Cans, please indicate can type and description of damage below
*For Street Signs Missing or Damaged, indicate type of sign below; Street Name, Speed, Stop etc?
Missed Trash / Recycling Trash (Black Can)Recycling (Blue Can)Vegetative Waste (Green Can)BrushLeavesBulkWhite Goods or metal itemsElectronic Waste
Report Street Light Outages to Atlantic City Electric
Street light outages should be reported directly to AC Electric. Please follow the link below to report a street light.
Report a Light
Additional Information/Other Issue
Phone #*
Your Name (required)
Your Email (required)
Department AdministrationFinanceParksTownship ClerkRegistrarPublic WorksTax OfficeConstruction DepartmentZoning, Land Use, Code EnforcementEconomic DevelopmentMantua Township Police DepartmentMunicipal Court
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